Application Process
Sisseton Wahpeton College utilizes an open admissions policy. SWC admits students of any race, creed, and national or ethnic origin. To be admitted under regular college admission requirements, a prospective student must possess a high school diploma or General Education Development (GED) Certificate:
Step 1: Complete an SWC Application for Admission
You can apply online or complete an application form and return it to the SWC office of admissions. Your application must be submitted no later than one week prior to the date of registration.
Step 2: Request and Forward Your Transcripts
Request all high schools, GED testing center, and colleges previously attended to forward official academic transcripts directly to the SWC Office of Admissions Director of Student Success “Registrar” Samantha Crandall
All fees for transcripts are to be paid by the student.
Transcript Request Form
Transcripts received become part of each student’s permanent file of the College and cannot be released, returned or forwarded to another institution.
Step 3: Submit Certification of Tribal Membership (Optional)
Submit certification of Tribal membership, or Tribal ID, if a member of a recognized Tribe. Upon receipt of all required forms and documents as described above, an official letter of acceptance will be released to the prospective student.
Step 4: Discuss Financial Aid (Optional)
Confer with the SWC Financial Aid Director for information on financial aid requirements.