Financial Aid
When planning to attend college it is likely you have thought about the costs involved. Financial Aid is the process of putting you together with the funds you need to pay the costs of college. These costs include more than just the tuition. You also need to pay for books, supplies, travel to and from school as well as living expense.
The money for school comes from you, your family and from grants, scholarships, loans and part-time employment. When you apply for financial aid using the federal government’s Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), you are actually applying to several different aid programs.
Financial aid at SWC includes scholarships, grants, and Title IV programs such as PELL, Federal Supplemental Opportunity Grant (SEOG), and Federal College Work Study Program. It does not include the Federal Stafford Loan Program as SWC chooses not to participate in the loan program.
Types of Financial Aid
All students are strongly encouraged to search the Internet and other available resources for scholarship opportunities. The Sisseton Wahpeton College library also has several up-to-date resource guides containing financial aid and scholarship options. Do not hesitate to visit with our librarian and ask questions. We are here to help. We have listed below various types of financial aid available to our students at Sisseton Wahpeton College.
Federal Pell Grant
A grant from the federal government that does not have to be repaid. Two specific eligibility requirements for the Pell Grant are that the student be either an undergraduate or be in an eligible post-baccalaureate program, and not be incarcerated in a federal or state penal institution. Funds received through this program are used to pay tuition, books and fee costs.
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
A grant from the federal government. Awards at SWC usually range from $100 to $300 per semester. Awards are made based on student expected family contribution (EFC). All full time students with zero EFC are given first priority when disbursing FSEOG funds. Second priority is given to students who are full time with an EFC of $600 or less. Third priority is given to students who are enrolled as 3/4 time students with an EFC of $600 or less.
Federal Work Study Program (FWSP)
This program provides employment opportunities for students who demonstrate a financial need. At SWC awards range from $500 to $3,000 per semester depending on need. Hourly rates are set at minimum wage and students can work up to 20 hours per week. Applications are available in the SWC Financial Aid Office.
Tribal Higher Education Scholarship Grants (Formerly Bureau of Indian Affairs)
Available to Native American students through the tribe in which they are enrolled. Amounts of awards may vary. Awards are disbursed by the Tribal Education Officers. Native American students should check with their tribal headquarters to see if a program is available from their tribe. Please see the Financial Aid Office or your local Bureau of Indian Affairs Office for an application and application deadlines.
Veteran’s Benefits
Available to veterans of active military service. All veterans should contact the local Veteran’s Administration Service Office for more information.
Vocational Rehabilitation
Designed to assist students with disabilities. Students who think they might qualify are encouraged to contact the Vocational Rehabilitation Offices located in their city or state.
American Indian College Fund Scholarships
The American Indian College Fund, Denver, Colorado, provides scholarships. Eligibility for these funds is based on private donor requirements. A list of available scholarships is posted at the beginning of each semester. All students are encouraged to apply when these scholarships are advertised. Sisseton Wahpeton College American Indian College Fund Scholarship Policy