“It is the goal of the Sisseton Wahpeton College to promote a safe, respectful and productive environment in which to deliver quality education through teaching and our administrative services.”
The Sisseton Wahpeton College will not tolerate, condone, or ignore threatening or violent behavior on the SWC campus or at sanctioned events. In an effort to protect our students, employees, and community members, any individual engaging in acts of violence or issuing threats of violence towards another on SWC property or at a sanctioned event will be reported to the local police and will be removed from the premises or event. Any threats or acts of violence should be immediately reported to Campus Security, the Vice President for Academic Affairs, or the President.
Since both academic freedom and personal integrity are cornerstones of higher education, they are incorporated within the framework of the Dakota Culture that forms the Standards of Student Conduct. The learning environment should foster a free exchange of ideas in a respectful manner. While education should challenge one’s preconceived thoughts, one must also be respectful of the beliefs of others. Life-long learning skills should honed upon the principles of academic rigor and honesty, which as a result are key aspects elements of the Standards of Student Conduct.
Students have the Rights:
To receive a quality education;
To be treated in a fair, respectful and courteous manner;
To use the college facilities and receive the benefits of college sponsored activities;
To participate in the governance of the college;
To see his/her academic record as provided by the Privacy Act;
To have transcripts sent upon request (providing all accounts have been paid in full);
To make a copy of semester grade reports in the event that an official transcript cannot be released because of an outstanding account;
To be informed of inadequacies in performance and the consequence thereof;
To be informed of his/her rights and disciplinary procedures;
To have recourse to a grievance process;
To exercise individual freedom within the framework of the regulations, goals, and philosophy of SWC.
Students have the Responsibility;
To derive the greatest good from his/her college experience in the academic field and co-curricular activities;
To treat faculty, staff, and their fellow students in a fair, respectful, and courteous manner;
To be honest and forthright in their academic pursuits and in their other activities at the college;
To abide by the policies and regulations of the college or the legitimate directions of college officials;
To treat college equipment and facilities in a responsible manner.
Sometimes the conduct of a student is found to be contrary to the philosophy of the college, and these Standards. When this occurs a charge of misconduct may be filed with the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs against that particular student.
¨ Any form of dishonesty including: cheating, plagiarism, knowingly furnishing false information to the college, forgery, alteration or use of college documents, and instruments of identification with intent to defraud;
¨ Disruption or obstruction of teaching, research, disciplinary proceedings, or other college activities;
¨ Physical abuse of any person on college premises or damage to property of a member of the college community on college premises;
¨ Failure to comply with directions of college officials acting in the performance of their duties;
¨ Violation of published college regulations, including those relating to entry and use of institutional facilities, the rules in this code of conduct, the SWC Drug-Free Policy and the SWC Sexual Harassment Policy, and other regulations which may be enacted.
To ensure that these charges are not arbitrary, and that the conduct is truly opposed to the philosophy of SWC and the Standards of Student Conduct, a judiciary structure has been established to ensure due process.
Any member of the student body, administration, faculty, and staff may file charges of misconduct with the VPAA. All charges must be submitted by completion of a Complaint Form to the VPAA within five (5) working days of the alleged misconduct, or from the date of discovery. If the VPAA determines the circumstances warrant it, the accused may be suspended pending review of the case. Such suspensions will not exceed a reasonable time frame, and will only be imposed when the safety or ability to learn of others students is threatened.
The VPAA may make a preliminary investigation to determine if the charges can be disposed of informally by mutual consent of all parties without the initiation of formal disciplinary proceedings. If this is inappropriate, or if informal negotiations fail, the VPAA will notify the student accused of the alleged misconduct in writing at least five (5) working days prior to any hearing. The VPAA does retain the option of referring the complaint to an outside agency for resolution, including law enforcement.
Students suspected of, detected doing, or are arrested for serious violations of institutional regulations or the Standards of Student Conduct will be informed of their rights under this policy.
Review Board – Standards of Student Conduct
A. A Review Board composed of three students, three staff/faculty members, one Chairperson (director, coordinator, chair of the curriculum committee, or other officer of the college) selected by the VPAA and/or Student Senate.
a. The Student Senate President, VPAA, and President are excluded from serving on the Review Board.
b. Review Board membership will be selected within five (5) working days of the submission of formal charges to the Office of the VPAA.
c. Any of the members of the Review Board can decline to serve if they could not serve in an unbiased manner. Likewise, either the plaintiff or the respondent can challenge a member by showing cause. The VPAA will make the final decision in this determination.
d. Challenges of members must occur within two (2) working days of notification.
e. If the VPAA filed the charge(s) of misconduct or has a conflict of interest, the President will select the Review Board members and fulfill all other responsibilities of the VPAA in this process, including imposing any sanctions.
B. After the final selection of members the Review Board will schedule the initial hearing date within seven (7) working days.
C. Any student charged with a violation of college policy or of the Standards of Student Conduct has the right to an advocate during the Review Board proceedings. This advocate must be an SWC Student Senate Representative or employee.
Sanctions for the Violation of the Standards of Student Conduct
After a hearing where a student was found guilty of violating the Standards of Student Conduct, VPAA has two (2) working days to render his/her decision regarding the imposition of sanctions or other appropriate actions to resolve the matter and inform all parties involved in writing. These sanctions include one or more of the following:
Warning: A written or oral reprimand for violation of specified regulations, which includes the possibility of more severe disciplinary sanctions in the event of other violations of any college regulations within a stated period of time.
Disciplinary Probation: Exclusion from participation in privileged activities, as specified in writing, for a period of time not exceeding one school year.
Restitution: Reimbursement for damage to or misappropriation of property. This may take the form of appropriate services or other compensation at the discretion of the college.
Suspension: Exclusion from classes and other privileges or activities, as specified in writing, for a definite period of time not to exceed two years.
All decisions of the Review Board regarding the guilt or innocence of respondent in this matter are final. However, the respondent may request an appeal of any sanction(s) imposed as a result of this decision by the VPAA. This appeal must be submitted in writing to the President within three working days of the issuance of decision. The President then has five working days to review the case and to issue any alteration or leniency in the sanctions imposed