Campus Housing Policy
Resident Handbook
The Resident Handbook is an addendum to the Student Housing Application and Contract. The policies and procedures contained within this document apply to the student housing owned or directly leased by the Sisseton Wahpeton College (SWC), whether these facilities are located on or off campus. SWC reserves the right to alter this document, including changing the policies and procedures or updating the lists of prohibited items.
Resident should read and be familiar with the policies and procedures in the Resident Handbook, along with the Code of Student Conduct provided in the Student Handbook. Individuals who violate these guidelines are subject to disciplinary action and liable for any resultant damages. Criminal and/or other serious offenses will be referred to the appropriate law enforcement agency.
The Resident Handbook also provides basic information regarding the facilities, including what is provided to students and a list of items that students may wish to bring with them.
Residence Hall Code of Conduct
Successfully living in a group setting requires students to respect the rights of others and to responsibly meet their obligations to the community. Given that the primary reason that students live in these facilities is to obtain a degree in higher education, your governing principle should be not to engage in any activity that would reasonably infringe upon another’s wellbeing and ability to pursue academic success.
SWC has established that students living in its facilities have certain basic rights, which include:
• The right to live in a safe environment, free from physical threats or harassment;
• The right to study and sleep undisturbed, with an established quiet time;
• The right of fair access to clean and functional common areas and facilities;
• The right to one’s privacy;
• The right to have one’s belongings respected; and
• The right to have one’s grievances redressed in a fair and timely manner.
Violating the rights of other students will result in disciplinary action, including but not limited to, room reassignment or expulsion from SWC.
Student Housing Policies & Procedures
Abandoned Property
Items left in a room or suite after the student has vacated the premises will be considered
abandoned property.
• Student Housing will confirm that the student has checked out of, or otherwise vacated,
the facility.
• Student Housing will inventory the abandoned property, attempt to contact the former tenant if possible, and store the items for a maximum of fourteen (14) days.
• In order to retrieve abandoned property a student must contact the Student Housing
Coordinator and pay a storage fee.
• If the property is not retrieved prior to the fourteen (14) day deadline, SWC Student
Housing will dispose of the items.
Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco
All student housing facilities that are owned, leased, and/or operated by SWC are alcohol, drug,
and tobacco free. This includes the use of e-cigarettes and similar devices. Students found in violation of this policy are subject to disciplinary action, including expulsion from SWC.
• Students and their guests, regardless of age, may not consume or possess alcoholic beverages within the student housing facilities or anywhere on campus. Instances of students who are minors consuming or possessing alcohol will be referred to local law enforcement.
• Student Housing staff and campus security reserve the right to stop individuals from bringing alcohol into the buildings. Students and their guests may be asked to open backpacks and other containers when entering a residence hall or other facility and denied entry if they choose not to cooperate with this request.
• The possession, use, or sale of illegal drugs will not be tolerated within student housing or on campus in general. Violators will be reported to the appropriate local law enforcement agency.
• Drug paraphernalia, including but not limited to, pipes, bongs, roach clips, rolling papers, and etc., are not permitted in the student housing facilities or on campus. Prohibited paraphernalia will be confiscated and repeat offenders are subject to disciplinary actions.
• Should any alcohol, illegal-drugs or drug paraphernalia be found in a room or suite, then all of the inhabitants of that space will be considered equally responsible, unless a student or guest takes sole responsibility for the incident.
• Due to seriousness of these violations, students or guests found using or possessing illegal substances, or are visibly intoxicated, or are engaging in abusive or disrupting behaviors will be subject to immediate removal from the resident hall and campus.
Alterations to Rooms or Apartments
Residents are prohibited from making any substantial or cosmetic changes to their assigned
living quarters or the shared commons. This includes, but is not limited to, painting walls, and the alteration, installation, or removal of fixtures, closets, counters or cabinets.
Residents are prohibited from adding major appliances, including but not limited to, washing machines, dryers, ranges, freezers, refrigerators, or mounting televisions or other objects to the wall.
Appliances and/or furniture provided by SWC may not be disconnected or removed from a room by students without the permission of the Student Housing Coordinator. In the rare instances when permission is granted, the inventory log will be updated and notification will sent to the Facilities Manager within three (3) working days.
Apartment or Room Subleasing
Under no circumstance may a student sublease space within any SWC student housing facilities.
Bad Behavior and Administrative Actions
SWC is committed to providing a safe environment where students pursue their aspirations in
higher education. Incidents that infringe upon the safety or rights of others are considered major infractions that may result in Administrative Actions in addition to the normal disciplinary process. While violations of the Code of Student Conduct or the Residence Hall Conduct can be addressed through the Review Board process discussed in the Student Handbook, criminal acts such as assault or theft will be reported directly to local law enforcement.
In the event of serious violations or a culmination of policy violations, the Student Housing Coordinator may initiate an Administrative Action separate of any other student conduct proceedings. The primary purpose of an Administrative Action is to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the students living within residence halls or other student housing facility. Through this process the Student Housing Coordinator will determine if the student(s) in question will:
• Be allowed to continue living in their current rooms;
• Be moved to another room or facility; or
• Be removed from student housing completely pending the conclusion of the Review Board’s findings.
Removal from student housing facilities through Administrative Action does not release students from the financial obligations outlined in their Student Housing Agreement. This decision may be appealed to the President, or a designated representative, whose decision is final.
Banners, Flags, and Signs
Banners, flags, and signs of any type may not be attached to any SWC facility, tree, or shrubbery
without the written approval from the Administration. This policy includes items that might be hung for public display in window or common areas.
Bicycles, Scooters, and Skateboards
Bicycles and Scooters must be stored in the outside rack or in other specifically designated
locations, except during the winter and spring breaks when Bicycles may be stored within the bedrooms.
Students may never park or store bicycles, skateboards, or similar items in hallways, stairwells, or other common areas.
Break Periods and Closing of Residence Halls
Residence halls will be closed during the winter and spring breaks at 10:00 a.m. following the
last day of classes/finals prior to the break. Residence halls will remain open during the
Thanksgiving, Easter, and other holidays, although food service options may not be available.
Exceptions to this policy must be pre-approved by the President or a specifically designated representative at least one (1) week prior to the break period.
Building Access
Students and guests should enter and exit the residence halls and other student housing facilities
through the designated doors. Video surveillance cameras may be used to monitor entrances and hallways. Students removing windows or opening of emergency exits for non-emergencies are subject to disciplinary actions and fines.
Residents will be provided keys or access cards to their rooms, and if appropriate to the main entrance of the building. Residents are not allowed to make copies of these key or to allow others the use of their keys or access cards. The loss of keys or access cards must be reported to
the Student Housing Coordinator immediately. When it is necessary to replace or reprogram any locks due to the loss of keys or access cards, the student will be held responsible for this cost.
Each residence hall and other student housing facility may establish set times when the main entrances will be locked.
Cable TV, Internet, and Telephone
In accordance with FCC regulations the splicing or splitting of cable, along with other methods
of gaining illegal access to media is not permitted. SWC will cooperate with local and federal law enforcement agencies, along with taking appropriate institutional action in cases of hijacking media, illegal downloads, and/or copyright violations occurring within student housing facilities.
Students wishing to have a computer in their room are encouraged to bring their own.
Use or possession of candles, boiling/simmering potpourri, heated air-fresheners, and incense are
not permitted in student rooms. These items are subject to confiscation and the student is subject to disciplinary action.
Students wishing to burn a substance for religious purposes must submit the request in writing to the Student Housing Coordinator for approval. Due to the smoke alarm and fire suppression systems being used within a housing facility, pre-approved smudging and other religious practices may still be limited.
All minors that are not enrolled students must be in the company of their parent or legal guardian at all times while visiting a residence hall or non-family student housing facility.
Common Area Damages and Group Billing
Any space shared by all of the residents of a particular facility is consider a Common Area.
These typically include hallways, public bathrooms, study rooms, recreation rooms, and kitchens. All residents may be liable for damages that occur to college property within a common area if individual responsibility cannot be determined.
Cooking and Meal Plans
Students living in certain student housing facilities may be required to purchase a meal plan.
Where cooking facilities are provided, residents may prepare meals in a responsible manner. In residence halls and other facilities with common kitchens, students must be particularly aware of their responsibilities to others, ensuring that they wash dishes, utensils, and cookware used in food preparation and/or consuming their meals. Countertops, stoves, tables, and other areas of the shared kitchen/dining facilities should also be left in a clean and sanitary condition.
• Cooking is not to be left unattended. Pots and pans, particularly those containing grease or oils, are to be removed from the heat sources immediately after cooking and the burners and/or oven must be turned off when not in use.
• Cooking oils/grease must be placed in appropriate containers to cool and disposed of in the dumpster. Oils, grease, and fat are not to be poured down drains.
• Residents are not permitted to use open flame while cooking in any student housing facility.
• Residents may not use open wood, charcoal, or gas grills within or next to any student housing facility.
Damage or Fine Appeal Process
Fines for violations of policy or damages levied against a student under these Student Housing
Policies may be appealed under certain circumstances. Common-area damages cannot be appealed unless extenuating circumstance exist or the identity of the person or persons responsible have been established.
Residents wishing to appeal charges placed on their accounts may write a formal letter and submit it to the Vice President of Academic Affairs’s Office. All appeals must be received within twenty-eight (28) days of the billing or within fourteen (14) days of the receipt of the student’s statement first containing the charge.
The appeal letter must contain the following information:
- Full Name of the petitioning student
- ID Number
- Name of Residence Hall/Housing Facility and Room Number
- Mailing and Email Addresses
- Best contact Telephone Number
- Explanation for the appeal
- Documentation if appropriate
Decisions made by the Review Board are final.
Decorating Housing Facilities
While SWC encourages students to personalize their rooms, it is important to do so in a manner
that does not damage college property. Additionally, as there is limited storage space in the resident halls and other housing facilities, furniture, fixtures, and other items provided for by the college must remain in their assigned rooms.
• Nails, screws, or hooks are not to be placed or fastened to the walls, ceilings, or furnishing.
• The use of duct tape, wallpaper or borders, paneling, and paint is not allowed.
• Students may not affix bumper stickers, contact paper, decals, or any similar items to the beds, closets, desks, or any other SWC property.
• Traffic signs are not allowed unless the student can provide proof of ownership.
• Halogen and Lava lamps are not allowed.
• Dartboards and related items are prohibited.
• Upholstered furniture must have standard fire resistant code documentation attached.
• Firearms, including non-functional replicas, are not allowed as decorations. Knives, swords, and all other martial arts weapons, whether decorative or functional, are likewise prohibited.
• Due to safety issues, only artificial trees are allowed within student rooms or the common areas. Decorative strings of lights must be UL-Approved and must be unplugged from
the outlet when students are not in their rooms. Lights and other electrical cabling may not be run under carpets, hung from ceilings or the sprinkler system, placed between bed frames, mattresses, or springs, nor hung on the exterior of room or suite doors.
Electrical Appliances, Devices, and Outlets Certain devices and practices are prohibited due to the danger of overburdening the electrical
system and/or the risk of fires. In the event that a circuit becomes overloaded and the circuit breaker turns off, students should immediately report the situation to a Student Housing staff member. Residents should never open circuit boxes to reset breakers.
The use of outlet splitters and extension cords are not permitted in any residential facility;
however, students may utilize power strips equipped with surge protection.
As PERMITTED electronic devices may vary over time and depend on the residential facility to which students are assigned, an updated list will be included with the Student Housing Contract.
Items that are PROHIBITTED in sleeping rooms include, but are not limited to electric heaters, toaster ovens, indoor grills, crock pots, convection ovens, or portable cooking devices (hot plates, etc.).
Tampering with elevator buttons or equipment, or use of emergency call buttons or phone in a
non-emergency are strictly prohibited and subject to immediate disciplinary action. Behavior that interferes with the normal operation of the elevator is not permitted
Fire Alarm and System
Fire alarms have been installed throughout the residence halls and other housing facilities for
student safety. In the event that a fire alarm should sound, whether during an actual emergency or drill, students must leave the building immediately through the nearest designated exits. Student Housing staff will post evacuation diagrams and conduct regular drills. Residents are required to remain outside of the building until the Fire Department, or in the case of drill or
false alarm, a SWC Administrator, gives the order that the building is safe and that residents may return to their rooms.
Residents who fail to comply with this policy or intentionally cause a false alarm are subject to arrest and severe legal and institutional actions.
- Leave your room immediately
- Leave overhead lights on
- Close the room door
- Walk quietly and quickly to the nearest exit
- Do not use the elevators
- Once outside, go to the designated waiting area until the all safe order is given by the appropriate officia
Tampering with fire and safety equipment in any student housing facility or campus building is against the law. Tampering includes pulling false alarms, discharging fire extinguishers, removing or covering exit/emergency signs, lights, or horns, and interfering with the proper functioning of smoke detectors or sprinklers.
Students responsible for such actions will be liable for any and all damages and reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency for possible criminal prosecution. Students are also subject to immediate Administrative Actions and institutional disciplinary actions.
Garbage Disposal
Trash should be placed immediately within the bins designated. If available, recyclable items should be separated and placed in the appropriate bin. All garbage ready for disposal should be placed in plastic bags which are securely tied and placed in the designated dumpster(s) for that student housing facility.
Hall Sports
As boisterous and rough activities are not conducive for study and may damage the facilities, ‘hall sports’ are not to be played in the residence halls or other student housing areas. These include, but are not limited to, various forms of basketball, football, Frisbee, golfing, hockey, riding bicycles or scooters, skating, tag, throwing balls or other items, water fights, and wrestling. Students are encouraged to enjoy these activities outdoors or other appropriate locations on campus.
Health and Safety Expectation, Inspections, and Requirements
Due to the communal nature of student housing, particularly in shared rooms, it is expected that all residents behave in a manner that does not jeopardize the health or safety of themselves or others. It is equally important to maintain a certain standard of cleanliness and tidiness within the living environment. Students engaging in such behaviors will be warned of their infraction. Continuing to disregard this policy is grounds for disciplinary and/or administrative action. Student Housing and/or Facility staff will conduct health and safety inspection at least once per semester. If it is determined that a room or apartment within a housing facility poses a safety hazard or is an unhealthy living environment, the residents will be given twenty-four (24) hours to rectify the situation. Should a subsequent inspection determine that the space is still not in compliance, SWC personnel will remedy the situation and the resident(s) will be charged a fee and/or be subject to disciplinary action, which may include eviction. As students in residence halls or other housing facilities are living in close proximity with others, SWC may require proof of immunization for certain communicable diseases prior to acceptance into these facilities or to maintain their current residence.
Housing Application, Selection, and Contract
The Student Housing Committee will establish a selection criteria for each of the student housing facilities. This criteria will be based on the stated purpose of the facility and the Mission of SWC. The committee will periodically meet and review data to ensure that the application of the processes are meeting the stated intent. While other preferences may be established in the selection process, primary consideration will be given to full-time and continuing students. To apply for student housing an individual must complete and submit the Application Form, and include a non-refundable application fee.
The Housing Contract is an agreement between SWC and the individual student and is for a period of one (1) academic year, unless stated otherwise on the contract. This agreement entitles the student to use the accommodation only in such a manner as set forth herein the Resident Handbook (Student Housing Policies).
Residents wishing to be released from their housing contracts for cause or good reasons may file a Housing Appeals Form and submit it to the Vice President of Academic Affairs for a hearing.
In order to maintain residence within SWC Student Housing, an individual must be an enrolled student. Students dropping or withdrawing from all their courses during a semester must vacate their room within twenty-four (24) hours. Housing charges for that semester will not be refunded in these circumstances.
SWC reserves the right to refuse admission or cancel the contract during the academic year for the student’s failure to uphold the college’s requirements, policies, regulations, or in the event of a felony conviction by civil authorities. Cancellation of the contract by SWC will result in the eviction of the student within three (3) days of the notice being given to the student, except where SWC determines that the continued residency of the student would pose a danger to the health or welfare of the residential community, in which case a student may be evicted immediately. In these situations no refunds will be made to the student.
In the event accommodations assigned to the student are destroyed or otherwise made untenable and SWC does not furnish other accommodations, then the contract shall terminate; all rights and liabilities of the parties hereto shall cease, and rental payment previously made shall be refunded on a prorated basis as of the date accommodations became unavailable.
SWC reserves the right to relocate residents from one space to another when it is determined, in its sole and absolute discretion, that the move is in the residents’ or fellow students’ best interests.
Identification Cards and Checks
Students and visitors may be asked to show their identification cards by Student Housing staff members, campus security, or other SWC administrators. Those that do not comply and/or non- residents may be denied entry into a housing facility or be asked to leave the premises.
Implied Consent and Passive Participation
Residents are to be responsible members of the community and have a duty to ensure inappropriate or illegal behaviors do not occur in their residence hall or student housing facility. Students that actively encourage or passively remain and do not report infractions where policy violations or illegal activities occur may be subject to student conduct charges and potential disciplinary actions. Keys and/or Access CardsStudents residing in residence halls or other housing facilities are issued a key and/or access cards when they are checked into the facility. Students are responsible for the safe-keeping and return of keys and/or access cards. Lost or stolen keys/access cards must be reported immediately so Facilities can change or recode affected locks. Student will be charged a fee based on the associated costs for materials and time. Keys may not be copied by students. Guests will not be issued keys or access cards.
Residents are expected to keep their SWC Student ID Card and residence keys/access cards with them at all times. Residents who fail to keep this obligation and who require a Student Housing or Facilities staff member to provide them access to their rooms will be fined $5 per event.
Lofts and Bunk Beds
Students may loft or bunk properly equipped beds if desired. Students are responsible for
bunking and un-bunking their beds in a proper manner. All beds must be returned to their original position prior to check-out at the end of spring semester. Failure to do so will result in the assessment of a fee.
For safety and liability reasons, cinder blocks or other non-sanctioned methods, including the use of homemade structures, are not permitted as means to loft beds. Students wishing to loft their beds in a room that is not equipped with such a bed should contact their Student Housing Coordinator to see if this is allowable and what options are available.
Missing Student Notification
Members of the SWC community having reason to believe that a resident of a student housing facility is missing should immediately contact the Student Housing Coordinator, Campus Security, and/or Tribal Police. Initial investigation into a potential missing student will include, but is not necessarily limited to:
• Conducting a welfare check into the student’s room or unit;
• Attempting to locate the student’s vehicle;
• Calling or reaching out to known contacts (roommates and friends) of the student;
• Contacting instructors, coaches, supervisors, or known employers of the student; and
• Contacting the student’s parents, guardians, and/or other emergency contacts.
The Student Housing Coordinator will file an official Missing Person Report with Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate Tribal Police within twenty-four (24) hours of determining that the student is missing.
Personal Property
Sisseton Wahpeton College assumes no liability for damage or loss of personal property. This includes, but is not limited to, interruptions of utilities, power surges, fire, flooding or other water damage, theft, and/or vandalism.
It is recommended that students review their, or their parents’ homeowner’s insurance coverage to see if they are protected from loss. Additionally, students may purchase a renter’s insurance policy to cover losses to their property.
Pets and Service Animals
Only properly certified and trained service animals are allowed in the residence halls. Other student housing facilities may allow certain approved types of pets, please contact your Student Housing Coordinator regarding whether it is allowable, and to review the requirements and responsibilities prior to bringing a pet. If you are bringing a service animal please notify SWC Student Housing immediately after notification of acceptance into a housing unit.
Students may post appropriate fliers and other notifications only on designated bulletin boards or other pre-approved locations within the residence halls or other student housing facilities.
All residents are required to act in a responsible manner when utilizing the plumbing systems and to report issues immediately to the Student Housing staff.
• The placement of food, cooking oils or grease, or other inappropriate items in drains or toilets is strictly prohibited.
• Residents are not permitted to use chemical or mechanical drain-openers, nor are they allowed to attempt to repair a leaking facet, etc. Contacting or hiring outside contractors by residents is also prohibited. All maintenance and/or repairs will be performed by the Facilities Department or through officially sanctioned vendors.
• Residents found responsible for damage to the plumbing/drainage system will be billed for repairs. This may include damages caused by overflowing water.
Quiet Hours and Courtesy
Sunday through Thursday quiet hours in all communal living centers are set at 9:00 pm to 8:00 Friday and Saturday quiet hours are from 11:00 pm until 10:00 am. Residence Hall may extend these hours during mid-terms and final weeks. Quiet hours/time require that residents and guest do not generate noise levels that can be heard in the hall or neighboring rooms. As respect for others is the cornerstone of communal living, Courtesy Hours are always in place.
Resident Checkout
Residents must schedule an appointment with their Student Housing Coordinator at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to their desired checkout time. The Student Housing Coordinator, or specifically designated representative, will record any changes or damages to the room on the Room Condition Report (RCR) form. Charges may be added to the student’s account by SWC for any damages incurred during the period of residency. Any items left in the apartment/room after checkout or when a student has vacated the premises will be consider as Abandoned Property. Failure to properly check out of an apartment or room may result in a $25 fee, which will be added to the student’s account.
Respect of Property
All SWC students are expected to be good citizens and stewards of the community. As a result, they will abstain from and report instances of willful abuse of the property of others and the Sisseton Wahpeton College. This includes, but is not limited to, littering, theft, and vandalism.
Students violating this policy are liable for damages and subject to disciplinary actions, including immediate Administrative Actions. Serious incidences will be referred to the appropriate law enforcement agency, where students may also face civil and criminal charges.
Right to Relocate and Room Change Requests
SWC, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to relocate residents to other accommodations within a particular housing facility or into a different facility when it is in the best interests of the student and/or the residential community.
Student are able to request a change in room or facility assignments. Requests will be accepted after the first week of the semester by the Student Housing Department. These requests must include the following information.
- Full Name and ID Number of the student requesting a room change
- The current Residence Hall/Housing Facility and Room Number
- The requested Residence Hall/Housing Facility and Room Number, if a specific location is desired
- A brief explanation why the room change is being requested
If the room change request is granted, the student will have to Checkout of the current room prior to moving to the new room and/or facility. Unauthorized room changes are not permitted and violators are subject to disciplinary actions and fines. Additional housing costs may be assessed and added to the student’s bill.
Students assigned to temporary housing are given priority over other room change requests.
Security Cameras and other Measures in Residential Facilities
While respecting an individual’s reasonable expectations and rights to personal privacy, SWC is also committed to ensuring the safety and security of students, employees, and property. Therefore, the college may utilize security cameras and other measures within or outside of the student housing facilities. The intent of these measures is to enhance the safety and security, along with discouraging behavior that violates the law or institutional policies. Furthermore, these measures increase the likelihood of correctly identifying offenders.
• Cameras will only be placed in common or public areas where there is no reasonable expectation of privacy.
• Cameras will never be located in bathrooms, bedrooms, or residential suites.
• Recordings will only be monitored or reviewed by authorized personnel.
Businesses, individuals, and organizations not specifically related to or authorized by the Sisseton Wahpeton College may not sell or advertise items in the residence halls or other student housing facilities. Under no circumstance will any type of door-to-door solicitations be permitted. Student housing facilities are not to be used for business purposes, whether by students or guests. This includes, but is not limited to, the operation of babysitting, internet or ‘home’ retail, or other businesses to offer any good or service for personal gain.
Specific Residence Hall Rules and Expectations
Residence halls and other student housing facilities may have additional policies and procedures based on their specific needs and purpose, which will be provided to all its residents.
The Student Housing Coordinator is empowered to form a council elected by and representing the residents if this is deemed useful in forging a more cooperative and functional community. This council would be able to propose and in most cases implement rules governing various activities and/or behaviors within the shared facility. This might include the extension or reduction of quiet hours for a specific communal event, organizing schedules to facilitate the fair use of shared resources (access to the kitchen for example), hosting a pizza party, or other things of a similar nature. The decisions of this council cannot violate the intent of, or be viewed as means to circumvent, the policies and/or procedures established by the Sisseton Wahpeton College.
Student Housing Department and the SWC Administration reserve the absolute right to overrule any action or rule implemented by a residents’ council.
Visitation/Overnight Guests
Visitors must be escorted at all times while in a student housing facility. Visitation hours for residence halls are from 9:00 am to 10:00 pm Sunday thru Thursday and 10:00 am to 1:00 am on Fridays and Saturdays.
Overnight guests must register with the Student Housing Coordinator or other designated staff member. Overnight guests must provide a signed parental permission form if they are a minor. Residents must receive the Student Housing Coordinator’s and their roommate’s permission, if applicable, prior to hosting a guest. Overnight guests are only allowed to stay for a maximum of three (3) consecutive nights. Residents are also limited in the total nights per semester that they may host overnight guests.
Residents are responsible for the actions and behavior of any visitor or overnight guest that they are hosting.
The possession of any explosive, pyrotechnic device, or weapon, including non-functional
replicas fashioned with metal or wood, in a student housing facility is strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, all firearms, air rifles or pistols, hunting or fighting knives, martial arts weapons, bows or crossbows, arrows or bolts, and swords. Additionally dartboards are not allowed in resident’s rooms, nor are metal pointed darts.
Certain pre-approved firearms and other weapons may be brought onto SWC property. These weapons must be immediately registered with Campus Security and stored in specially designated locations. Under no circumstance are students allowed to have weapons in their possession, or store weapons, in any student housing facility.
Student found in violation of this policy are subject to disciplinary actions and possible criminal prosecution. Any serious violations of this policy will be referred to the cognizant law enforcement agency and will trigger an immediate Administrative Action.